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Founded in 1980

he first state-level medical history society to have a website.  Our goal is to promote interest, research, and writing in medical history, and we are dedicated to the discussion and enjoyment of the history of medicine and allied fields.

Michael Nevins: "Dancing Through Rutgers Medical College, 1826-1828"

  • Tuesday, July 20, 2021
  • 7:00 PM
  • Zoom

Registration is closed

From an 1826 letter by Dr. Elijah Rosencrantz of HoHoKus to his son John, an entering student at Rutgers Medical College in lower Manhattan:

"You will not disappoint me I hope of keeping yourself and your desires of company and the pleasures of youth under restraint....Return my compliments to Dr. Hossack (sic), you will be very careful and respectful to all the professors [but] particularly Dr. Hossack."

The doctor went on to chide his son to attend church regularly but, realizing that all work and no play might make his high-spirited son a dull boy, grudgingly agreed to pay for dancing lessons: "So long as its respectable and not too expensive. But this you must keep to yourself, let it not be known here."

Who were Elijah and John Rosencrantz? Who was Dr. "Hossack"? Was Rutgers Medical College once located in Manhattan? Dancing classes?

Come to our July Zoom meeting and let MHSNJ Past President Dr. Michael Nevins explain!


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